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  • #10927

    I see some familiar faces here, what’s the attraction?

    ISG has new owners, no moderators and no idea if it will still have forums available in the future.

    Our national and state events being promoted here and a new clubhouse built for whoever wants to hang out here.


    Hope this place takes off,I returned to isg and began a thread about TGM,I will see how it progresses as to which way i go with it,


    “A” thread.

    Good one Browny.

    Winner Moonah Legends 2013 Nationals
    Winner The National 2013 Nationals
    Winner 4BBB 2013 Nationals
    Winner Stink's 3 Club Challenge 2015
    Winner C grade OOM The Sands 2016
    Hole-in-one Growling Frog 14/1/17 5th hole 137m TM RBZ 5 hybrid, Srixon AD333 ball
    Growling Frog GC Matchplay Champion 2017
    Winner B grade OOM Curlewis 2018
    Winner Yering Meadows Monthly Medal Dec 2020

    Low Handicap point 12.7 9/4/16

    Finally...and most importantly...
    Smoldy....when only the best will do

    4 users liked this post.

    Hope this place takes off,I returned to isg and began a thread about TGM,I will see how it progresses as to which way i go with it,

    You can stop holding your breath anytime:)

    1 user liked this post.

    Hope this place takes off,I returned to isg and began a thread about TGM,I will see how it progresses as to which way i go with it,

    Why o why did I leave,,,,,,,,,,,,lol

    1 user liked this post.

    Hope this place takes off,I returned to isg and began a thread about TGM,I will see how it progresses as to which way i go with it,

    Why o why did I leave,,,,,,,,,,,,lol

    Some things stay the same even though most things have changed;)

    Have you visited the rules thread lately?


    Hope this place takes off,I returned to isg and began a thread about TGM,I will see how it progresses as to which way i go with it,

    Why o why did I leave,,,,,,,,,,,,lol

    Some things stay the same even though most things have changed;)

    Have you visited the rules thread lately?

    Of course he has. The Rules thread is now an antique book store combined with a competitive pricing assessment guide.??
    But you already knew that.?.

    1 user liked this post.

    Hope this place takes off,I returned to isg and began a thread about TGM,I will see how it progresses as to which way i go with it,

    Why o why did I leave,,,,,,,,,,,,lol

    Some things stay the same even though most things have changed;)

    Have you visited the rules thread lately?

    Of course he has. The Rules thread is now an antique book store combined with a competitive pricing assessment guide.??
    But you already knew that.?.

    There’s a rules thread? Sounds exciting.

    2 users liked this post.

    Brownie, Jack,
    long time, hope you are doing ok.

    This popped up in my youtube and I thought you would be interested.

    Jack Golfer

    Hi Devon, nice to see you are still alive? I see Brownie is around here too. I haven’t been here for years. Still using the TGM stuff, driving the ball really well atm. Still trying to perfect my hitting skills, I’ll be dangerous when I get that right?

    Living on my own these days, wife now in a nursing home. Spending a lot of time there, helping with her care. Life goes on.

    2 users liked this post.

    Hi, Jack,
    very sorry to hear about your wife. As you say, we have no option but to deal with what life throws at us, but really sorry all the same.

    You will remember Anthony Taggart, aka the Swing Engineer, I think we both bought his early publications. He is now making a heroic effort to make youtube explanations of TGM. The YouTube algorithm offered them to me, so I just wanted to pass it on to you and Brownie.

    I gave up membership, where you visited, at the end of 2019, just before Covid hit. Played very little in 2020 and 2021. Just getting back into it in the last few months.

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    Jack Golfer

    Hi Devon,
    Thank you for your understanding.
    Thanks for the Youtube videos too, Taggart has done an excellent job with those. I am interested in his new book too, the 101 Lessons, have you got that?

    Have you rejoined Saunton? That was a very nice course, I enjoyed playing it very much.



    Hi, Jack,
    just playing locally. It’s OK, an ordinary parkland track.

    Saw his ad for 101 lessons, my first reaction was to be put off by the thought of 101. I’d be interested in your experience if you get it, though.

    My game is sort of OK for how much I play. I had the lefts going when I started playing again after the Covid lockdowns, but managed to fix them this season. I am playing up the middle again, but wasting shots in all departments of the game, mainly due to the effects of 3 seasons with not much golf.

    But winter is almost here, so tuning up my game will have to wait until the Spring.

    All the best,

    2 users liked this post.

    Hi Devon,they should call us the 3 musketeers lol…….I purchased 101 and encheridion too,im back to enjoying the learning process……as you know ,im heavy into hitting and 101 has given me new lease on golf life….101 lesson 74 the piston…..i seem to have been doing it wrongly but still having powerful hit,lesson 74 tell of proper use of piston…its the UPPER part of arm doing the work,I have been using right shoulder and elbow…….using swing engineers teachings has given me more power and accuracy,still work in progress…….hope you both are well and also family cheers B

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    Brownie, Jack,

    I found a couple of youtubes I think you will like.

    I really like Be Better Golf, not exclusively, because he explores all sorts of teaching concepts.

    Anyway, this one is a bit of a ramble, but eventually gets to a key point, which is right arm control yet whilst still thinking of the swing as pulling with the right arm. As opposed to pushing and throwing.

    For me, this opens up the idea of lag and pp3 whilst hitting, in a “light bulb moment” for me.

    Hope you like it.

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